by e__soriano
I have written a mini tool named Gopper (gopher copper :)) in Go. It implements the procedure explained above. In addition, it also detects the following suspicious actions:
Modifications of the permissions of the pages. It also warns about dangerous permissions (i.e. write+exec). To do that, it polls /proc/pid/maps.
Calls to the mprotect syscall, used to change page permissions. This is done by receiving events from the Linux kernel tracepoints through the synthetic files located in /sys/kernel/debug/tracing. See events.txt for more info.
Calls to other syscalls defined by the user.
Gopper can be used together with Frida-trace or any other analysis tool. It does not interfere with the watched process.
Gopper git:
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(cc) Enrique Soriano-Salvador Algunos derechos reservados. Este trabajo se entrega bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd). Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
tags: reversing - evasion - malware